Sunday, 12 July 2015

The world may never hear us

Even if our knifed hearts melt volcanoes
and our skins shrink like snails close to the fireplace;
even though the edited stories between our thighs sink ships
and like foliage paper we sway this way and that way,
the whirl wind tossing us about in episodes,
we will only probably be remembered
chapter after chapter, leaf by leaf,
by only half a handful of those who sniff our agonies
and get high in the pleasures
buried in their shallow graves;
even though we sound our trumpets of war
and with borrowed hands beat our battle drums torn,
like a salamander, dumb to the torrents of rushing waters
the noisy world would be icy silent as always;
silent to our cries for justice...
Visit any nearby police station,
you’ll marvel at the histories written on our breasts.
The rehab centers can hold only a few letters of us.
Soon they’ll cough out a handful back into the streets
where we came from- as books with blank pages
full of super stories only imagined.
Our orgies like oceans will flow on and on and on,
unending, our stories will only make newspaper headlines
but a climax would never be reached.
We will only hear ourselves ourselves.

Ehizogie Iyeomoan (c) 2015

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